Free Move In / Out Checklists Templates

Move In/Out Checklists Templates are essential documents used during the transition of tenants into or out of a rental property.
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What is a Move In / Out Checklists Templates?

A Move In/Out Checklist Template is a document used by landlords, property managers, tenants, or homeowners to document the condition of a rental property or home before and after a tenant moves in or out. These checklists help ensure that both parties are aware of any existing damage or issues with the property and can serve as a reference for the security deposit refund process. Here's what you need to know about Move In/Out Checklists:

Components of a Move In/Out Checklist Template:

  1. Property Information:
    • Include details such as the address of the property, unit number (if applicable), and date of the inspection.
  2. Checklist Items:
    • Create a list of areas and items to inspect, including:
      • Walls and ceilings
      • Floors (carpet, hardwood, tile, etc.)
      • Windows and doors
      • Appliances (oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.)
      • Fixtures (lighting, faucets, toilets, etc.)
      • Cabinets and countertops
      • Exterior features (yard, landscaping, parking, etc.)
  3. Condition Assessment:
    • Provide space to indicate the condition of each item, such as "clean," "working," "damaged," or "needs repair."
    • Include areas for additional notes or comments about specific issues or concerns.
  4. Photographs:
    • Leave space for attaching photographs of any existing damage or notable conditions.
    • Encourage both parties to take photos as visual evidence of the property's condition.
  5. Signatures:
    • Include sections for the landlord/property manager and tenant to sign and date the checklist, acknowledging that they have reviewed the property's condition.
    • Consider including a section for witnesses, if desired.

Importance of Move In/Out Checklists:

  • Documentation: Provides a comprehensive record of the property's condition before and after a tenant's occupancy, helping to avoid disputes over damages or security deposit deductions.
  • Transparency: Promotes transparency between landlords and tenants by clearly outlining expectations regarding the property's condition.
  • Legal Protection: Offers legal protection for both landlords and tenants by documenting the condition of the property at the beginning and end of the tenancy.
  • Fairness: Ensures fairness in assessing any damages or repairs needed, as both parties have an opportunity to review and agree on the property's condition.

Sample Move In/Out Checklist Template:

Move-In Inspection Checklist:


  • Walls and Ceilings
  • Floors (Carpet, Hardwood)
  • Windows and Doors
  • Appliances (Oven, Fridge)
  • Fixtures (Lighting, Faucets)
  • Cabinets and Countertops
  • Exterior Features (Yard)

Condition: [ ] Clean/Working
Notes: [Space for Notes]

Tenant Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________
Landlord/Property Manager Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
Witness Signature (if applicable): ____________________ Date: ___________

Move-Out Inspection Checklist:


  • Walls and Ceilings
  • Floors (Carpet, Hardwood)
  • Windows and Doors
  • Appliances (Oven, Fridge)
  • Fixtures (Lighting, Faucets)
  • Cabinets and Countertops
  • Exterior Features (Yard)

Condition: [ ] Clean/Working
Notes: [Space for Notes]

Tenant Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________
Landlord/Property Manager Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
Witness Signature (if applicable): ____________________ Date: ___________


  1. Fill in the details such as the property address, unit number (if applicable), and date of inspection.
  2. For each item listed, check the box if it's clean/working or note any issues in the provided space.
  3. Have both the tenant and landlord/property manager sign and date the checklist.
  4. If applicable, include a witness signature and date.

Feel free to print or use this checklist as needed for your move-in and move-out inspections.

Tips for Using a Move In/Out Checklist:

  • Conduct the inspection together with the tenant or landlord/property manager present to ensure agreement on the property's condition.
  • Document any discrepancies or disagreements regarding the property's condition and try to resolve them promptly.
  • Retain a copy of the signed checklist for both parties' records and refer to it when assessing damages or making repairs.

Using a Move In/Out Checklist Template helps streamline the move-in and move-out process, promotes transparency, and protects the interests of both landlords and tenants.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Move In/Out Checklists:

1. What is a Move In/Out Checklist?

  • A Move In/Out Checklist is a document used during the transition of a tenant into or out of a rental property or home. It lists various items and conditions within the property that are inspected to ensure both parties are aware of its condition.

2. Why is a Move In/Out Checklist important?

  • A Move In/Out Checklist is essential for documenting the condition of the property before and after a tenant's occupancy. It helps prevent disputes over damages and security deposit deductions by providing a clear record of the property's condition.

3. When should a Move In/Out Checklist be used?

  • A Move In/Out Checklist should be used whenever a new tenant moves into a rental property or when an existing tenant moves out. It's best practice to conduct inspections and complete the checklist at the beginning and end of each tenancy.

4. What does a Move In/Out Checklist include?

  • A Move In/Out Checklist typically includes:
    • Identification details (property address, unit number, date of inspection).
    • Lists of items to inspect (walls, floors, appliances, fixtures, etc.).
    • Spaces to mark the condition of each item (clean, working, damaged).
    • Sections for additional notes and signatures of both parties.

5. Who uses a Move In/Out Checklist?

  • Move In/Out Checklists are used by landlords, property managers, and tenants. Landlords and property managers use them to document the property's condition, while tenants use them to ensure they are not held responsible for pre-existing damages.

6. What happens if there are discrepancies in the Move In/Out Checklist?

  • If there are discrepancies in the Move In/Out Checklist, both parties should discuss and attempt to resolve them amicably. It's essential to document any disagreements and, if necessary, seek mediation or legal advice to reach a resolution.

7. Can a Move In/Out Checklist be used in court?

  • Yes, a Move In/Out Checklist can be used as evidence in court if there are disputes between the landlord and tenant regarding damages or security deposit deductions. It serves as documentation of the property's condition agreed upon by both parties.

8. Is a Move In/Out Checklist legally binding?

  • While a Move In/Out Checklist itself may not be legally binding, it serves as a record of the agreed-upon condition of the property. It can help support claims and defenses in legal disputes related to property damages or security deposit disputes.

9. How should a Move In/Out Checklist be completed?

  • A Move In/Out Checklist should be completed by conducting a thorough inspection of the property and documenting the condition of each item listed. Both parties should review and sign the checklist to acknowledge their agreement on the property's condition.

10. Where can I find a Move In/Out Checklist template?

  • Move In/Out Checklist templates are available online, through property management software, or from rental management companies. You can also create your own checklist tailored to your specific property and needs.

These FAQs provide valuable insights into Move In/Out Checklists and their importance in rental property management.